September 6, 2016

Beaches are not just for sunbathing on, as any surfer will tell you.

Especially in Sri Lanka, one of the most reliable surf destinations in the Indian Ocean. Since the early 60’s Sri Lanka attracts surfers from all over the world.

The best surf points in Sri Lanka are located on the South and East Coast with Hikkaduwa and Arugam Bay being the busiest, but there are many “secret spots” like Unawatuna, Ahangama, Weligama, Mirissa or Yala where you still can find uncrowded surf.

While there is a surf season in the South of Sri Lanka (November – April) and one in the East (May – October) you still can find a good swell outside the official seasons as long as you are flexible and listen to local advice.

We offer surf-tours conducted by local professional ensuring that you are always at the right beach at the right time.

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